Sunday, September 30, 2012

Math Curriculum Mapping

I was super excited to be asked to help with the curriculum mapping for my building.  After going to two amazing workshops this summer, I felt like I had a handle on it.  HA HA, was I ever wrong.  In my searching and my workshops, I have found some really helpful websites and WIKIs and ideas.

The first is called a Rekenrek.  Check this out.  Thanks to Heather Webb for the insight into this one.
I found these sites to get you started, but there are a lot more.
What is a rekenrek?    How to make a rekenrek

Then I started matching ideas for activities, trying to really understand the standards.  Again thank you Heather!
Unpacking the Standards  and Common Core Tasks  (I like this one because it gives you ideas for what strategies to watch for.

Last, but not least, is an invaluable guide for teaching the standards by Ky Davis.  She has taken the standards and made natural progressions with them.  Ky's Book



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